James Kline

"With his musical sensitivity, and his secure technique, James Kline gave his public an evening of delightful music. The first half of the concert was devoted entirely to music of the Baroque period. James Kline demonstrated his command of the Baroque style with his crystal-clear counterpoint and his tasteful use of contrast and of ornaments. He played with technical ease and with a masterful subtlety of tonal shadings"
~ Classical Guitar Magazine (from a concert in Aarhus, Denmark)

"James Kline demonstrated sheer technical mastery in the service of music, rather than as an end to itself ... playing with absolute clarity and with a most apt sense of phrasing. His playing is always a pleasure."
~ The Irish Times, Dublin, Ireland

"A large dynamic range, precise phrasing, clean and clearly recognizable polyphonic voices, and meticulous right and left hand technique were the characteristics of the dynamic and artistic style with which Kline impressed and captivated the public. With spontaneous facility, Kline mastered virtuosic passages. These were always thoroughly integrated with the music and were never used out of context. It is only left to say that we hope that the next castle concert will continue to be on such an extremely high level."
~ Taunuszeitung - K�nigstein, Germany

"It is my pleasure to have had the opportunity to meet and listen to North American guitarist James Kline, observing in him a refined sensitivity and an excellent instrumental technique at the service of the musical literature which makes him stand out among his colleagues. I wish him a brilliant artistic career."
~ Jose Tomas

"James Kline is a very sensitive musician and a great player. He transcends the barriers and makes his Renaissance instrument speak one of today's multiple languages, without any anachronism and yet preserve its specifics and authenticity. I feel honored and even happier to listen to what he did with my two compositions.
~ Pierre Bensusan







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